How do Pregnancy Centers Support Women?
March 4, 2021
Our affiliates across the nation share story after story of how they help their clients. Few women simply receive a pregnancy confirmation and leave, never to be heard from again. Pregnancy Center staff deeply care for the women they serve, no matter what the pregnancy decisions may be.
Here is counselling room where parenting classes are held at Your Choice Pregnancy Center in Rocky Mount, NC.
Pregnancy Resource Centers offer a host of in-house support to moms. Beyond the free pregnancy testing and ultrasounds, women can also receive a wide variety of educational classes. This “Earn While You Learn” program equips parents to provide a healthy home for their child. Throughout the program individuals have the opportunity to earn “cash” to be used in a baby boutique. Clothing, diapers, formula, strollers, car seats, and toys are among the supplies provided to parents for up to two years after the child has been born.

Taking pregnancy resources mobile, through the Stork Bus, has been a game-changer for many centers. Here are a few stories of how mobility empowers pregnancy centers to serve more women where they are.
Our affiliate at Compassion Care Center in Yadkinville, NC cared for a woman with a medical condition resulting in severe morning sickness. Chelsea was so sick she considered abortion just to get her life back. The nurse comforted Chelsea and showed her the beautiful nine-week-old baby. A few weeks later, the nurse heard about someone else who experienced the same medical condition as Chelsea. Finding a potential cure, the nurse called the mother to connect her with the resources to help overcome her sickness. Overcoming her morning sickness empowered Chelsea to choose life for child.

First Source for Women in Hanceville, AL had their Stork Bus at an inner-city health fair. Kathy approached their table, “I’d like a pregnancy test” she said after hearing a little more about the services provided onboard the bus. She was homeless and had unmet medical issues due to her current circumstance. Though the test came back negative, the staff of First Source connected Kathy to local resources to help her with her other medical needs. Beyond practical needs, the staff was also able to speak into Kathy’s life about her worth, value, and identity as a woman made in God’s image. Kathy felt comfortable talking about the loss of her 20 year-old son who was murdered recently. Depression and anxiety weighed heavy on her heart. First Source for Women was able to be her source of hope in taking the first steps toward emotional healing. Without their Stork Bus, interactions like this would be nearly impossible.
By going into the community where women like Chelsea and Kathy are, pregnancy centers across the nation are able to create safe, loving spaces onboard their Stork Buses where women can receive needed support physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.